Sureseal is a syringe containing 4 grams of teat sealant incorporating (2.6g) bismuth subnitrate in a sterile intramammary suspension. Prevention of mastitis during the non-lactating (dry) period in lactating heifers (first calves) and cows. Also indicated for the prevention of peri-calving mastitis in maiden heifers.
Target Species: Dairy cattle
Active Ingredient
650mg/g bismuth subnitrate
Pharmaceutical Form
Intramammary preparation
Prevention of mastitis during the non-lactating (dry) period in lactating heifers (first calves) and cows. For use in lactating heifers (1st calvers) and cows with somatic cell counts (SCC) of less than 120,000 and 150,000, respectively. Also for use in cows and heifers with higher somatic cell counts or immediately following treatment with Cloxamp DC 500 (A8038), Cloxamp DC 600 (A8039) or Noroclox DC 600 (A9281). Refer also to the labels for these products. Also indicated for the prevention of peri-calving mastitis in maiden heifers.
For intramammary use at drying off only. Take antiseptic precautions. Immediately after the last milking at drying off and prior to treatment with the product, strip the udder. Clean the teat thoroughly with a teat wipe or a cotton wool ball moistened in 70% methylated spirits (30% water), then infuse the entire contents of 1 syringe to form a seal. Repeat the process on the other 3 teats and finish by teat spraying all teats. After infusion, do not massage or squeeze the teat as this may dislodge the seal. Lactating heifers and cows with SCC above 120,000 and 150,000 SCC, respectively: Immediately after the last milking at drying off and prior to treatment with dry cow and the product, strip the udder. Clean the teat thoroughly with a teat wipe or a cotton wool ball moistened in 70% methylated spirits (30% water), then administer Cloxamp DC 500 (A8038), Cloxamp DC 600 (A8039) or Noroclox DC 600 (A9281) as per label and massage into the quarter. Re-disinfect the teat, as above. Now carefully infuse the entire contents of 1 syringe to form a seal. Repeat the process on the other 3 teats and finish by teat spraying all teats. After infusion, do not massage or squeeze the teats as this may dislodge the seal. Maiden heifers: Only administer to maiden heifers in herds where heifer mastitis levels are clinically significant. Care should be taken to ensure administration in heifers is performed to best practice recommendations. Administer product pre-calving before springing ('bagging up') of the udder; ie. from approximately 4 weeks to 1 week prior to the planned start of calving in a typical seasonally calving herd. It is not recommended to administer closer than 1 week prior to calving.

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Please note: Product information presented on this website is intended only as a brief summary of Norbrook products for your convenience. Not all products or indications are licensed in every country and may be subject to further local variations. For specific product information you should always consult a healthcare professional from your region or visit the local government agency website for the most up to date information. Please see our terms and conditions for further information.