Norbrook relaunches Closamectin Pour On packaging

Norbrook has unveiled a new pack design for its bestselling Closamectin Pour On to assist farmers in managing their parasite control strategies.

Featuring a handy on-pack dosing guide, the new design has a fresh and modern appearance, bringing it in line with much of Norbrook’s existing product packaging.

Leigh Sullivan, Large Animal Product Manager at Norbrook, says that it was important for Norbrook to take market changes into account when considering the redesign.

“While we were keen to instigate a cohesive, user-friendly identity across our product range, we didn’t want to do this in isolation: we are always open to setting up a dialogue with the end user, to ensure that we understand how this change will affect them.

“To this end, we coordinated a series of farmer discussions, facilitated by an independent agency. In each of the focus groups, Closamectin Pour On users shared their opinions on the existing packaging and the proposed new design.”

The updated packaging will retain its distinctive yellow and red colour scheme, as a result of feedback from the farmer discussions.

While the external packaging has changed, the product remains the same: Closamectin Pour On is a unique combination of closantel (flukicide) and ivermectin (wormer and external parasiticide). It kills fluke, gutworms, lungworm and external parasites of cattle in a single application, with a 28 day meat withhold.

For more information, contact your Norbrook Territory Manager.