Norbrook and its team have raised over £120,000 for the Southern Area Hospice Services as part of the company’s 50th year celebrations.

  • Employee events smash £50,000 target with £60,200 raised 
  • Company doubles employee figure, with over £120,000 going to support SAHS
  • Hospice Chief Executive praises Norbrook and staff for “exceptional” partnership

Employees of the Newry-based business raised over £60,000 through nine events; smashing their target of £50,000.

The company then matched the employee total, bringing the amount going to support the Hospice’s important services to £120,400.

Hundreds of Norbrook employees participated in nine fundraising events over the past 10 months as part of the company’s ‘50 for 50’ partnership with the Hospice.

These included a charity auction; Christmas Card/Jumper Day fundraisers; a cake sale; a raffle; a golf Classic; a charity cycle; and a Family Walk.

Liz Cuddy OBE, Chief Executive Officer at Southern Area Hospice Services said: “The 50 for 50 partnership with Norbrook and their staff has been exceptional from start to finish and we are indebted to their employees for their passion, commitment and enthusiasm throughout the year.  Norbrook staff have organised a number of fundraising initiatives including golf classics, spinathons, walks and even took over our three retail shops in a head-to-head challenge.  Not only did their team raise this phenomenal amount of money throughout the year, but they also donated toys to our family room, purchased beautiful new Christmas decorations which they came and put up as well as took back down again and volunteered and supported our Annual Light up a Life ceremony.  A large number of employees have also committed to playing our weekly Hospice Lotto which means they will continue to support Hospice on an ongoing basis.

“The money raised from this 50 for 50 partnership will be put to the best possible use by helping our Hospice to introduce a new ‘Living Well Programme’ in our Day Hospice and across the Southern Health Trust community. We will also be able to provide much needed refurbishments and enhancements to our physiotherapy and treatment rooms as well as upgrade our family rooms to create a home from home for patients and their loved ones.  This partnership will leave a lasting legacy for Hospice and will provide us with the facilities we need to increase our services and reach more patients.

“On behalf of Southern Area Hospice Services, I would like to thank Norbrook staff for their sincerity and generosity in raising this extraordinary amount of money to support our services. This is a significant year for our Hospice as we celebrate our 30th Anniversary and we are grateful to have had this opportunity to work so closely with Norbrook across the year.  I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Norbrook on 50 years and wish them every success in the future as their company continues to thrive,” she adds.

Norbrook’s management team praised the company’s employees for their efforts 

“As we mark 50 years in business, we are delighted to partner with Southern Area Hospice Services to enhance their day care provision. Last September, we challenged our employees to raise £50,000, which would be matched by Norbrook. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and engagement of hundreds of employees who organised and participated in a range of events in the past 10 months to raise funds. We are delighted to announce that we have exceeded our target and will donate £120,400 to the Hospice. We would like to thank our employees, our suppliers, our customers and local businesses who donated so generously to this worthy cause. We look forwarding to continuing our partnership with the Hospice and to seeing how the new day care provision will benefit the local community.”

As part of the company’s 50th year, Norbrook and its employees also supported a number of other local groups and initiatives in recent months.

  • A team of volunteers from the company decorating the Paediatric Ward at Daisy Hill Hospital with support from the company.
  • Another team of volunteers from the company also supported the annual ‘Light up a Life’ ceremony at Southern Area Hospice, with the company’s support.
  • Other initiatives included Norbook employees donating clothes for ‘Newry Help the Homeless’, and donations by employees to charities including Women’s Aid, Dundalk, St Vincent de Paul, and Mission Christmas.