External infections in dogs  

Infections in dogs  

Infections are a common problem for dogs and can be caused by bacterium, fungi, or parasites. They might be external or internal and will often require treatment with an appropriate medication, that can only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

External Infections

External infections can affect anywhere on the outside of the dog's body such as their ears, eyes, or skin and are therefore usually easier to spot. 

Red Setter

Skin infections 

Did you know that an animal’s skin is its largest organ? The skin plays a vital role in protecting the body against physical injury, and hazardous substances. It also has an important role as a sensory organ (touch, temperature detection etc.).

Skin infections typically occur if there is damage to the skin’s barrier such as a cut or burn. If your pet has a skin infection you may notice the signs such as: 

  • Inflammation
  • Change of skin colour e.g., redness 
  • Feels warm to the touch 
  • Weeping or pus 


Pyoderma = "pus in the skin", although the term is more commonly used to describe any skin infection seen in dogs. Pyoderma can be classified into superficial pyoderma and deep pyoderma, depending on how many layers of skin are affected.  

An example of a superficial pyoderma would be acute moist dermatitis, also known as "hotspots". Hotspots are characterised by redness and inflammation and can be very painful. They will often require treatment with prescription medication in the form of a topical cream. In some cases, oral antibiotics may also be needed. 

Learn more about pyoderma in dogs, visit our web page here

Eye infections 

Eye infections are common in dogs especially in breeds who like to run through long grass, or individuals who spend time with other dogs. The most commonly seen eye conditions in dogs are conjunctivitis and ulceration. 

Signs of eye infections often include: 

  • Watery or thick discharge from the eyes 
  • Reddening of the eye or surrounding the eye 
  • Swelling around the eyes 
  • Squinting or excessive blinking 
  • Pawing or rubbing the eye 
  • Holding the eye closed 
  • Sensitivity to light 

Most eye infections will need topical drops/ointments to treat the signs, this is because there is very poor blood supply to the surface of the eye, meaning oral treatments are less effective. Your vet will prescribe the most appropriate treatment, depending on what signs are seen. Most eye infections resolve quickly with the appropriate medication but can deteriorate quickly if left untreated. 

Ear infections

Ear infections are very common in dogs, especially those that have floppy ears or spend a lot of time in water. If left untreated, ear infections can become very painful and can cause permanent damage to the animals hearing. Ear infections may be caused by allergens, bacterial or yeast infections, parasites, or foreign bodies (e.g., grass seeds).

Signs of ear infections often include: 

  • Scratching and pawing at the ears 
  • Shaking of the head  
  • Reluctance to let you touch the ear 
  • Swelling and redness 
  • Tilting of their head to one side 
  • Discharge 
  • Smelly ears 

To treat ear infections correctly your vet may swab the ear in order to identify the cause and be able to prescribe the correct medication. This may be in the form of an ear drop and/or oral medication. If parasites are involved, then an antiparasitic treatment may also be prescribed. 


Most treatments for external infections (eyes, ears and skin) are prescription only medications (POM-V), which means they can only be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon. The veterinary surgeon will conduct a full clinical examination, which may include further diagnostics, such as using an ophthalmoscope or otoscope to look at the eyes/ears. Swabs or samples may also be required to make an accurate diagnosis. 

It is important to always administer according to the prescription and finish the course of treatment. Not doing so, could result in a treatment failure or an exacerbation of the condition you are trying to treat.