Norbrook strengthens companion animal portfolio with Fiproclear Combo™ launch

Norbrook Laboratories today announced the launch of Fiproclear Combo™, a new treatment for the control and prevention of fleas, ticks and biting lice. The product is licensed for use on cats, dogs and can also be used to treat and prevent fleas and ticks on ferrets.

The synergistic combination of fipronil and S-methoprene breaks the life cycle of fleas, protects pets and helps to safeguard the home. This new spot-on product will help to reduce the chance of pets contracting flea or tick borne diseases such as babesiosis, which attacks red blood cells.

Richard Palmer, Norbrook Global Head of Sales and Marketing, says: “Norbrook is committed to delivering a strong new product pipeline along with our multi-year £50 million investment programme.

“Fiproclear Combo is the eighth product we have launched in the past two years. Five of these new products are in the companion animal sector as we continue to strengthen our foothold in the growing global companion animal market. With its triple-action approach, Fiproclear Combo kills adult fleas, ticks and biting lice. The addition of S-methoprene to the already-trusted ingredient fipronil, breaks the flea life cycle in the home by ensuring that any eggs laid by the fleas, which have come into contact with the product, are infertile and by preventing development of flea larvae within a pet’s surroundings.”

Fiproclear Combo kills adult fleas on pets within 24 hours whilst newly arrived ticks are killed within 48 hours of attachment – before the main risk period of disease transfer. Ticks rank second only to mosquitoes as insects that spread infectious diseases to both pets and people[1]; the most common of which is Lyme disease.

Recent market research showed almost a third of cats suffered from ectoparasites[2], while around one in every three dogs are affected by ticks[3], but many traditional treatments do not have the additional benefit of being able to help break the flea life cycle in the home. Also, by the time an owner notices a flea problem, an infestation has already been present for up to two months. At that point the visible adult fleas on the pet are only part of the problem, with 95 per cent of the parasites already living in the home itself as eggs, larvae and pupae. Fiproclear Combo is long lasting, providing effective protection from new flea infestations for up to eight weeks on dogs and four weeks on cats, while protecting against certain ticks for up to four weeks on dogs, and two weeks on cats.

The treatment should be administered as a single spot-on (topical) application in accordance with the bodyweight of the cat, dog or ferret, as described on the product label. Please see SPC for full product details.


1 The Kennel Club
2 Parasites of domestic owned cats in Europe: co-infestations and risk factors. Beugnet et al 2014
3 The Big Tick Project 2015