Supporting Communities in Northern Ireland
Making a Difference at Home
Our company and employees have always been enthusiastic and generous supporters of any initiatives to give back to communities in Northern Ireland where our business was established. Our teams are dedicated to
making a positive impact locally.
Community Outreach at Christmas
Employees in Northern Ireland contribute to our communities through a range of initiatives, with a particular focus on the Christmas period. Toys, books and gifts are donated by employees, gift wrapped and distributed to hundreds of local families and thousands of hot meals are prepared for those in need. Norbrook also hosts an annual festive lunch for almost 250 elderly residents, prepared by our dedicated teams.

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
In 2024, Norbrook employees participated in a range of initiatives aimed at raising funds for Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, a cancer charity who supports over 36,000 people annually and who's mission is to support local cancer patients, their families and carers, fund research and campaign for better health policies.
Our team organised bake sales, raffles, and participated in sponsored challenges including hiking, spinning, running marathons, and playing football. The contribution of our employees was recognised with a Team Star Award by the Business in the Community group.
Raising funds for the Southern Area Hospice
The Southern Area Hospice is based in Newry, close to Norbrook's operations. This organisation provides the highest standard of specialist palliative care to individuals with complex life-limiting conditions.
In 2019, as a way to mark Norbrook's 50th year since establishment, the business and our employees decided to set an exceptional fund-raising target of £50,000 to donate to the Southern Area Hospice.
Our employees raised over £60,000 which was matched by the company resulting in a final donation of over £120,000. Norbrook continues to support the hospice through our at work lottery contributions.